Cover V14, i07



Nicer Configuration Files

Randal L. Schwartz

I see a lot of configuration file modules in the CPAN. Perhaps too many. Perhaps this is a task that (like so many others) attracts every new junior Perl programmer into the "I can do better than those" mindset.

I can't claim to have used every one, and perhaps I haven't even looked at every one. However, let me spend a bit of time talking about one that I used rather heavily on a recent project and that I am definitely liking for future projects.

One of my favorite clients is, mostly because the typical work location for GeekCruises is aboard a cruise ship traveling between the Caribbean islands. I recently completed a major overhaul of the company's administrative interface to the "booking engine": the portion of the Web site that makes money for them by allowing random geeks to sign up for future cruises.

The core of my overhaul used the emerging standard CGI::Prototype framework, along with Template Toolkit and Class::DBI for the data model. One of the problems I face when programming is how to write each important fact in only one location, because cut-and-paste is a maintenance nightmare. I found myself wanting to record meta-information about each of the database fields (there are some 500 columns in 50 tables for this application) in a common location.

I wanted to access the information from both Perl code and Template Toolkit code, because a lot of the meta-information bridges the "model" (the precise column of that table) to the "view" (how the user sees the data and how the inputs are interpreted). I decided rather early on that I wanted to call a method named Config against a given Class::DBI table class, or a specific row instance, and that this should return a hashref of all the meta-information about this row. In particular, the hashref would contain keys for all the columns of interest, resulting in another hashref of attributes about that column.

Thus, for a given row in $row, I could obtain (in Perl) the meta-information about that row with:

$info = $row->Config->{$column};
Or, in Template toolkit code:

info = row.Config.$column;
After deciding how I wanted to see the data, I considered how to store the information. I already had a class definition for nearly all of the tables of interest. I thought about just adding:

my $config = {
  column1 => { width => 10, field => 'textfield' },
  column2 => { width => 50, height => 5, field => 'textarea' },
sub Config {
  my $self = shift;
  return $config->{+shift};
But then I realized that there'd be a lot of common values among these various things -- common values, with some overrides. And then I stumbled across a reason for the inheritance feature of Config::Scoped, which I had seen in the CPAN a few months before.

The Config::Scoped module initially looks like almost every other configuration file parser. You give basic stuff and get basic values back:

param1 = foo;
param2 = [ 1, 2, 3];
param3 = { a => hash };
which, when parsed, returns:

'_GLOBAL' => {
  'param1' => 'foo',
  'param2' => [ '1', '2', '3' ],
  'param3' => { 'a' => 'hash' },
Note that Perl's arrays and hashes are supported directly and that barewords don't need to be quoted. I was already liking this module at this point, mostly because I hate quoting obvious things. And more complex data structures are trivial with:

scalar = bar;
list = [ bar, baz ];
hash = { bar = baz, goofed = spoofed };

lol = [ [ foo, bar, baz ], [ 1, 2 ], [ red, green, blue ] ];
hol = { color = [ red, green, blue ], goof = [ foo, bar, baz ] };
loh = [ { bar = baz }, { goof = spoof } ];
But the module goes beyond this, in permitting declarations:

column1 {
  width = 10;
  field = textfield;
column2 {
  width = 50;
  height = 5;
  field = textarea;
And there are my column hashes. Each declaration creates a nested hash, so column1 has a hashref with width as a key and 10 as a value. Nice.

But then come the blocks, and here's where it gets fun. Suppose I had five textfields and wanted them all to have a width of 10:

  field = textfield;
  width = 10;
  column1 {}
  column2 {}
  column3 {}
  column4 {}
  column5 { readonly = 1 }
Here, columns 1 through 4 all end up inheriting everything visible at this scope level, which are the two keys with field and width. But column5 gets all that and a readonly key. Blocks can also be nested.

With a pragma of %warnings parameter off, I can also define defaults with overrides:

  field = textfield;
  width = 10;
  readonly = 0;
  column1 { }
  column2 { }
  column3 { width = 20 }
  column4 { readonly = 1 }
  column5 { width = 15; readonly = 1 }
At this point, I could see how this was going to save me some time. In addition to barewords, any Perl-style quoted string is also permitted, allowing me to record things like column headers and footnotes:

  field = textfield;
  width = 10;
  f_name { head = "First name" }
  m_name {
    head = "Middle initial";
    foot = "Single letter please";
    width = 1;
  l_name { head = "Last name" }
So in my Template Toolkit code, I can generate the appropriate headers and footnotes:

[% columns = ["f_name" "m_name" "l_name"] %]
[% FOR row IN rows %]
[%# if this is the first row, label the columns %]
[% IF loop.first %]
[% FOR col IN columns %]
<th>[% row.Config.$col.head %]</th>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[%# dump the data values %]
[% FOR col IN columns %]
<td>[% row.$col %]</td>
[% END %]
[%# if this is the last row, close the table %]
[% IF loop.last %]
[% END %]
[% END # FOR row %]
Now this was really starting to make sense. I could parameterize a lot of the generic templates, driving them from the data in the nice config tables.

But wait... there's more. With the %include pragma, I can also include common values:

%include common.cfg;
f_name { head = "First name" }
l_name { head = "Last name" }
where common.cfg contains:

field = textfield; # by default
width = 10; # by default
And then I can add additional things there, like special getters and setters for model-to-view-to-model mapping:

get = get; # default
set = set; # default
And meanwhile, in a nearby configuration file for credit card numbers:

%include common.cfg;
expiration_date {
  head = "Expiration date";
  get = get_mmyy;
  set = set_mmyy;
Then I merely had to ask in the Perl code "how do I get this" and call the right method:

my $getter = $row->Config->{$column}->{get};
my $value = $row->$getter($column);
For most columns, this defaults to Class::DBI's get method, but I could just override the ones that required special care. This even works in Template Toolkit code:

getter = row.Config.$column.get;
value = row.$getter($column);
Wow. Thank you, Template Toolkit, for unifying hashes and method calls.

I haven't even gotten to the part where you can define macros and embedded Perl code in your configuration files, because I haven't used those features enough to say something sensible about that. However, let me leave you with this piece of code that I created to automatically parse the correct configuration file for a given database table class:

sub Config {
  my $self = shift;
  my $class = ref $self || $self;

  ## compute filename relative to me, based on my packagename
  my $p = __PACKAGE__;
  (my $s = $class) =~ s/^\Q$p\E:://
    or die "$p is not prefix of $class!";

  $p = __FILE__;
  $p =~ s/\.pm$// or die "$p doesn't end with .pm!";

  require File::Spec;
  my $file = File::Spec->catfile($p, split '::', $s) . ".cfg";

  my $config = do {
    if (-e $file) {
    require Config::Scoped;
       (file => $file,
        warnings => {qw(permissions off parameter off)},
    } else {

    no strict 'refs';
    *{$class . '::Config'} = sub { $config };
  return $config;
I place this in my base class for all of my Class::DBI table classes. If I then call the Config method of any derived class, it initially winds its way back up into this class, which figures out a cfg filename for the derived class, located alongside the .pm file (in the same directory). The file is then parsed with Config::Scoped to create the correct hash. However, to keep from repeating this work more than once in a program invocation, a new method is installed in the derived class to return the constant hash.

I'm probably releasing this simple piece of code to the CPAN soon, perhaps under the name Class::DBI::Plugin::ConfigScoped, or something like that. It'll probably be there by the time you read this.

I hope I've demonstrated Config::Scoped enough so that you'll finish reading the documentation for it. Until next time, enjoy!

Randal L. Schwartz is a two-decade veteran of the software industry -- skilled in software design, system administration, security, technical writing, and training. He has coauthored the "must-have" standards: Programming Perl, Learning Perl, Learning Perl for Win32 Systems, and Effective Perl Programming. He's also a frequent contributor to the Perl newsgroups, and has moderated comp.lang.perl.announce since its inception. Since 1985, Randal has owned and operated Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc.