Cover V12, i12



HTE: Host Table Editor

Daniel Speers

Many years ago, I worked for a large trading firm in New York with about 100 different networks spanning 12 offices around the United States and a few in other countries. The network subnets were grouped by DNS domains and managed by several different systems administrators. IP addresses were managed in a central host table and in DNS zone files, all on one master server. This created several problems, not the least of which was keeping the /etc/hosts file and the DNS zone files in sync.

Other problems involved the security of different people editing these tables, keeping track of what addresses were really in use, and what devices were using those addresses. We also had reserved addresses. This typically meant that the first 20 addresses on a subnet were for network devices, and the following 10 were for DHCP-assigned addresses.

The idea to manage the host table in a database evolved from these problems. From this database, we could generate a proper /etc/hosts file, DNS configuration and zone files, and the DHCP config files. Address space could be reserved, and permissions assigned to each admin for their assigned networks. One other critical tool that helped ensure the accuracy of the host table was an IP discovery program that regularly checked each address to see whether it was in use, and by what type of device.

This article focuses on the host table editor. Apart from the main requirement of solving the problems mentioned above, the users of HTE had their own ideas about how it would work, ideas that were often at odds with each other. Some wanted an interactive-style program, while others preferred it to be command-line driven so that scripts could be written around it. Therefore, I made the interface work both ways. The same hierarchical command structure can be called from the command line to make scripting easy.

Introducing HTE

Host Table Editor (HTE), available for download at, is a Perl program that manages a database of DNS information. See the sidebar for a summary of HTE files available with the code. The HTE system provides a uniform interface for entering DNS data and generating DNS-related configuration files.

The advantages of storing Hostname, IP address, DNS, and DHCP information in a database system such as HTE include:

  • Centralized control — It allows administrators to keep track of all host, IP address, DNS, and DHCP information in one common database.
  • Security — By using a database, remote admins can access the host table data without requiring root access to the master servers that host DNS and/or DHCP maps.
  • Error checking — Data input rules and automated building of host table, DHCP, and DNS configuration files helps ensure syntactic accuracy.
  • Uniform updates — By using a single system and database, the data and the format of the automatically created files will remain neat and consistent.
  • Single source (only have to enter the data once) — This eliminates the need to manage separate host table, DNS, and DHCP configuration files, which can often reside on multiple servers.
  • Automatic file generation — In a shop where several servers are used to manage the network, changes will be propagated properly without the need for manual intervention.

Some possible disadvantages to this HTE program may have to do with unique or special needs of your environment. For example, the configuration files that are built were designed for use with standard DNS or DHCP servers on Unix-based systems. Where third party server software is used, these files may not work, or there may be a number of required options that are not supported.

This article describes how to set up HTE, how to enter DNS information into the HTE database, and how to use HTE to automatically generate host files, DNS zone files, and DHCP configuration files.

Installing HTE

You will need a current version of MySQL and Perl. If you plan to run a DNS server, HTE was built with Bind 9.2.1, however, newer and older versions may work just as well. (Keeping Bind up-to-date is recommended.) Install the following Perl modules from CPAN: Term::Readline::Gnu, DBI, DBD::MySQL, Getopt::Long, Config::Simple, Data::Dumper, and Net::Netmask. The Net::Netmask module (by David Muir Sharnoff) provides HTE the ability to keep your network structured. You may also want to install MySQLCC to simplify database administration.

Unpack the HTE kit in a temporary directory and install it with the following commands:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Create a MySQL database to store the host table data using a suitable name such as “hosts”. Then, while still in the directory into which you unpacked the HTE kit, run the following command to initialize the database with a MySQL account that has create privileges:

mysql -u admin -p hosts < hte.sql
You then must create user accounts in MySQL. Begin with an account with a name like “build” with SELECT only privileges. This account will be used to create the hosts table, DNS, and DHCP files. This may also be used to give average users read-only access to the HTE editor.

Copy hte.conf to /etc/hte.conf and put the values for your database and read-only user on the dsn, user, and pass lines.

Much of the security of the system is managed by the database. If you want to specify sets of users who can create networks and those who add and delete host table entries, provide different permissions in your grant statements. For example, a MySQL account for Super_Admin can be created with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE on all tables in the hosts database.

Super_Admin can create network definitions, DNS zones, and host table entries. Joe_Admin, who is only allowed to create host table entries, should have SELECT on all tables, and INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE on just the hosts table. Network_Guy will have INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions on hosts and networks. You may not want Joe_Admin to delete addresses once they are created, so only give INSERT and UPDATE permissions. The editperms and glue tables are reserved to manage HTE and should be read-only for all users. The htevars table is where user-defined preferences are stored. If you want to allow your users to save their preferences, make sure they can INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Thus, the permission schemes can be provisioned in the manner most appropriate for your shop.

To simplify using HTE, add the HTE_USER environment variable to your .cshrc or .bash_profile. You may also want to set HTE_PASS, though it’s not recommended if security is a concern. HTE will prompt you for a password if HTE_USER is set and HTE_PASS isn’t.

Take a Look Around

Get familiar with the interface. The command levels can be stepped into one at a time, or chained together to jump to the desired level or invoke a desired command. For example, if you type “show” by itself, you will be at the show prompt and can then type any sub-level command.

bash $> hte
hte >  show
show > ip

bash $> hte
hte > show ip
or, from the command line:

bash $> hte show ip
When you use commands from the command line, interactive mode is disabled. The only exception is when you create something, you will be placed into the entry editor to modify the values of the newly created item. You can also skip the editor by adding a set value command. For example:

bash $> hte create zone set nameserver
Once created, editing the zone from the command line is done the same way:

bash $> hte edit zone set nameserver
Typing help at any prompt will show the entire command tree from that level down. The command-line version is --help. As you can see, the interface is quite flexible.

Building Your Network

If you are going to use DNS, you will want to start by creating your DNS zones. Create your zone records and make sure you set the nameserver and SOA fields to the right values for your setup:

bash $> hte create zone set nameserver
bash $> hte edit   zone set SOA
Now create at least one network to get started. The networks are created using the CIDR format, which is common. When you edit or show a network, leave off the /bits value at the end:

bash $> hte
hte $> create network
Network created.
  description    :
  bits           : 24
  create_date    : 20030531204143
  creator        : dspeers
  dns_id         : []
  group_id       :
  location       :
edit network>
Type help to see what you can do in the edit mode and to see which fields are read-only.

You will first describe your new network to make it different from all the other networks. The set command takes the field name you want to set as its first argument. Everything that follows is the value:

set description My own private network
Typing sh at the edit network> prompt will redisplay the record with your new description.

Next, place this network in the DNS zone you created earlier. The DNS zone is assigned using the dns_id field. Notice how the dns_id field has square brackets in it, because it is a lookup field. If you try to assign any value that is not a valid key or a complete value in the lookup table, the possible values will be listed, using your argument as a filter:

edit network> set dns_id fred
The following are valid for dns_id (Filter: fred)
     1     =>
edit network> set dns_id 1
In the above example, “fred” was not a valid value for the dns_id field. In such a case, the program will use that invalid value as search criteria to find possible matches in the zone table. Each matching item is listed by a number that can be used to set the dns_id field. In this example, by setting dns_id to 1, the zone was assigned. It is also valid to set the name to an exact match in the zone table:

edit network> set dns_id
Once you have made your changes, press “Enter” once to leave this level. The program will notice that you made changes and ask you whether you want to save them. Congratulations! You have created your first network. Look at your new network:

hte > show network
  description     => My own private network
  network_address =>
  bits            => 24
  create_date     => 20030604135652
  creator         => dspeers
  dns_id          => []
  location        =>
Create a Host Table Entry

Creating a host table entry is done in the same way as creating a network, which must already exist. HTE will already know to which network the address belongs.

hte > create ip
Address created.
  description     =>
  host_name       =>
  ip_address      =>
  aliases         =>
  create_date     => 20030531220751
  creator         => dspeers
  device_id       =>
  last_seen       =>
  status_id       => [assigned]
edit host>
The only other field that must be set is the host_name. The status_id field is used to help provide guidance to other admins on which addresses are in use, available, or reserved for future use.

Building the Host Table

Building a host table is as easy as typing “build host table”. The table will be grouped by network to keep it looking neat:

# Network    :  Mask:
# Location   : My House   Domain:
# Description: Middle Earth
#  bilbo                # Dan's server  frodo                # File Server  epson                # My Printer
You can capture the output in traditional Unix fashion by redirecting the output to /etc/hosts, or by setting the output variable:

hte> build host
host > set output /etc/hosts
Building the DNS Maps

The host table editor will create both the named.conf file and the individual zone files. Often the named.conf file will need more options than the Host Table Editor will support. Your shop may also have things that you don’t want the Host Table Editor to manage for you, or other configuration settings you want to set. The best practice is put your standard options in /etc/named.conf and use an include file command to reference the Host Table Editor portions. To do this, you have the Host Table Editor output its master DNS configuration data to a file named /etc/, which would look something like this in your /etc/named.conf file:

options {
    directory "/var/named";
include "/etc/";
The default settings for the build dns maps command will create the /etc/ file and will put the zone files in the /var/named directory. You must add the include statement to your /etc/named.conf file.

The settings that determine where the files are saved can be changed in interactive mode at the build dns level:

hte > build dns
dns > vars
  config          => /etc/
  dir             => /var/named
  verify          => /usr/sbin/named-checkzone
dns > set dir /var/named.d
If you have a current version of Bind installed, it comes with a helper program to verify the format of the zone files. It will run as each zone file is created.

Here is a practical example of how all these pieces of DNS will fit together. Say you had a DNS domain called “” and in that network is a machine called foobar with the IP address of Your DNS server will live on a box called and have an address of

To begin, create your DNS zone:

hte > create zone set nameserver
hte > edit   zone set SOA
Then, define the network where your hosts will live:

hte > create network set dns_id
Next, add the hostnames to the network:

hte > create ip  set host_name ns
hte > create ip set host_name foobar
There may also be extra records you need in a zone file. For example, you may want to define an alias for foobar and have it also known as You may also want to define how email gets to your mailserver. These are accomplished with the create zone_record command. It takes no arguments and will allow a variety of record types, including MX records to extra CNAME entries. A typical addition of an MX record to handle mail will look like this:

hte > create zone_record
Zone entry created.
    address         =>
    dns_id          => []
    entry_id        => 3
    priority        => 0
    record          => IN
    target          =>
    type            => []
edit zone_entries> set address
edit zone_entries> set dns_id
edit zone_entries> set target foobar
edit zone entries> set priority 10
edit zone_entries> set type MX
This MX record will allow mail bound for to be handled by Note the period at the end of the “set address” line. Anytime you set the address or target fields to a fully qualified domain name instead of just a hostname, you must include the period to make sure the nameserver doesn’t automatically add the local domain name for you.

To make people think that foobar also goes by the name of, you could create another zone record using the CNAME type using these settings:

edit zone_entries> set address www
edit zone_entries> set dns_id
edit zone_entries> set target foobar
edit zone_entries> set type CNAME
And the last step will create the DNS maps:

hte > build dns maps
The file will look something like this:

zone ""{
type master;
file  "";
zone ""{
type master;
file  "";
The zone file may look a bit cryptic, which is why you wanted a program like the Host Table Editor to make it for you:

;Zone built by HTE
$TTL 86400
@         IN   SOA root.localhost (
                      11 ; serial
                      28800 ; refresh
                      7200 ; retry
                      604800 ; expire
                      86400 ; ttl

@                IN   NS      IN   MX     10 foobar
www              IN   CNAME  foobar
ns               IN   A
foobar           IN   A
Building DHCP Config Files

DHCP has become a required service as the popularity of wireless networks increases. Automatically creating the configuration for DHCP is a natural extension of the Host Table Editor. In just a couple of easy steps, your DHCP server will be ready to go.

To keep things simple, a DHCP entry is associated with a network. The network records already know things like the netmask and DNS domain name, so the only required step is to define the range of IP addresses that will be available for DHCP clients to borrow (or lease in DHCP terms), which is done by giving the starting and ending address range for the desired network.

hte > edit dhcp 192.l68.254.0 set range
DHCP as a protocol supports a number of optional convenience features to help the weary transient user navigate around your network. These include things like the address of the router to use to get off the local network, and address of your DNS server:

hte > edit dhcp set router
Many of the options you could provide depend largely on how your DHCP clients are configured and the services your network offers. For example, say your network has an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server to set your workstation clock against. You would set the ntp-servers option:

hte > edit dhcp set ntp-servers
For a list of valid options, see the dhcpd-options manual page that comes with the ISC DHCP client or the IETF draft on DHCP agent options at

Last, to build the configuration file, type “build dhcp” at the hte> prompt. Here you can set the global options of max-lease-time and default-least-time by using the set command. The default values will be sufficient for most sites:

hte > build dhcp conf
Building file...
Here is what the resulting file will look like:

subnet netmask {
default-lease-time 21600;
max-lease-time 43200;
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name "";
range dynamic-bootp;
option routers;
You will use an include statement in /etc/dhcpd.conf just same way we did for /etc/named.conf, which will set a variety of static and default options for your DHCP server.

Summary and Future Features

By now you have created DNS zones, networks, and host table entries. You now have effective ways to manage access to the host table, and automated ways to build your /etc/hosts file, DNS, and DHCP configuration files. This should dramatically simplify the way you manage your network addresses, improve security, and will keep all addresses and related configuration files in sync.

At this point, will want to create a crontab entry to build the various configuration files on a regular basis. An example contrab entry looks like this:

   0 * * * * /usr/bin/hte build host table;/usr/bin/hte build \
     dns maps;/usr/bin/hte build dhcp conf
Some issues in how you manage your network remain, such as how to know when an address is no longer in use, or whether one has been taken without being allocated in the database. You may also want to know what kind of devices are using those addresses. These features are planned for in an add-on program called ip-discover that may be available by the time you read this. In the original system, ip-discover used both icmp requests and SNMP gets to determine which addresses were in use and what was using them.

Dan Speers has been in the technology industry for 17 years and is currently a Professional Services Engineer with VA Software. He has been a Linux user since kernel 0.98. At every opportunity, he helps promote the use of open source software in roles traditionally filled by commercial products.