Listing 2a Run level script naming standards
Local Start Scripts:
S##.<app name>.[<node type>][<node number>]
[Start Order] = S##
[Application Name] =String name identifying Application group
[Node Type =2 character name of node type if generic
ir=irb node
lb=library node
ob=object node
ol=object and lib node
ac=acls server node
[Node Name] = Nodes Host name
*Note* All fields delimited with a period . < . > *Note*
Global Scripts:
<app name>.[<node type>][<node number>]
[Application Name] =String name identifying Application group
[Node Type =2 character name of node type if generic
ir=irb node
lb=library node
ob=object node
ol=object and lib node
ac=acls server node
[Node Name] = Nodes Host name
*Note* All fields delimited with a period . < . > *Note*
Examples: ## local start script #3 for ftb on ir type nodes ## local start script #2 for tsm for ir type nodes
S01.ssl.ob ## local start script #1 ssl for ob type nodes
tsm.sparky ## global script for tsm specific for node sparky
csmf.ob ## global script for csmf global for all ob type nodes