New Products
Finjan Introduces SurfinShield Finjan Software Inc. has introduced SurfinShield Corporate version, a Java and ActiveX security tool that offers centralized security management. Designed for the enterprise, SurfinShield Corporate can be integrated seamlessly into a corporate network configuration, interoperating with other security devices including firewalls and other corporate software distribution products. SurfinShield Corporate is also compatible with gateway security solutions such as Finjan's SurfinGate.
A flexible and scalable solution, SurfinShield Corporate allows different settings for each desktop. Shared experiences are gathered into a database that collects and consolidates Java and ActiveX information from each desktop. A customized log is then created within the system. If one desktop with SurfinShield Corporate faces an attack, the program learns from the experience, and all other networked desktops are updated to automatically eliminate the hostile element. SurfinShield Corporate works at the desktop level to detect any Java applet or ActiveX control that reaches the system. The program continually monitors mobile code behavior during runtime in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) that adds an additional layer of protection to the end users' desktop. Depending on the level of security selected, SurfinShield Corporate automatically eliminates any Java or ActiveX element that tries to breach security rules before the code is allowed to do any damage.
For pricing and other information about SurfinShield Corporate, contact Finjan Software Incorporated, 2620 Augustine Dr., #250, Santa Clara, CA 95054; (408) 727-8120; Fax: (408) 727-8528; Internet:; WWW:
Adaptivity Announces EnterpriseNet Solutions Adaptivity Inc. has announced EnterpriseNet Solutions, a suite of integrated, Intranet/Extranet ready, enterprise applications that runs on UNIX, Windows NT, or any platform with a Java browser. EnterpriseNet Solutions in based on ADAPT (Adaptive Distributed Assembly Process Technology), which lets customers and business partners outside a corporate firewall share, manipulate, and interact with data and people inside the firewall in a realtime distributed applications environment with full security. ADAPT gives the system administrator the ability to customize applications across the enterprise without programming. Other features of ADAPT include automatic load balancing and application partitioning that distribute applications across multiple machines.
The EnterpriseNet Solutions suite includes five applications. HelpDesk Version I is a relationship support tool that organizes, manages, and addresses both internal and external customer support requests. Contact Version I is a corporate-wide event planner and contact manager for organizing and tracking meeting schedules and customer information. DefectTracking System Version I is a process management tool for defect report filing and retrieval. Collaborative Workspace Version I is an interactive project management tool for realtime document creation and retrieval collaboration. DataPublisher Version I is an information management tool for integrating data queries, statistical analysis, and ad hoc reporting. Each application in the EnterpriseNet Solutions suite is fully customizable, integrates with third party applications, and is platform independent. The company plans to add human resources and financial applications to the suite in 2Q98.
Prices for EnterpriseNet Solutions range from $15,000 to $35,000 per application with discounts for multiple applications. For more information, contact Adaptivity, Inc., 1650 S. Amphlett Blvd., Suite 312, San Mateo, CA 94402; (650) 665-2222; Fax: (650) 655-2221; WWW:
Empress Upgrades Hypermedia Empress Software has upgraded Empress Hypermedia, its Internet applications development toolkit for the Empress RDBMS user. Features of Empress Hypermedia V3 include embedding SQL statements within other SQL statements in the HTML template, checking input strings of data, connecting to the database by specifying connection information in the HTML tag. Additionally, error log files generated by Hypermedia V3 can be kept separate from the HTTP system. The installation scripts, which help configure copies of Empress Hypermedia in various Web documents, also aid in security. Using Empress Hypermedia V3, the system administrator has control over who can access, view, or modify any data within the system.
Empress Hypermedia V3 also contains Perl and Tcl/Tk script language interfaces (APIs) for connecting these scripting languages to Empress RDBMS. The Perl interface let users embed Perl scripts directly into HTML files. The Perl and Tcl/Tk interfaces provide for full client-server network architecture via the Empress ODBC Interfaces. Both APIs also allow for connection to multiple databases at one time. Additionally, the APIs provide the ability to reuse SQL statements, have improved binary data handling features, and allow for the use of an unlimited number of cursors.
For pricing and other information about Empress Hypermedia V3, contact Empress Software, 6401 Golden Triangle Dr., Greenbelt, MD 20770; (301) 220-1919; Internet:; WWW:
Raptor Upgrades Eagle Raptor Systems, Inc. has upgraded Eagle, its enterprise firewall featuring VPN (Virtual Private Network) security. Eagle 5.0 supports a saturated T3 line on an Intel platform using Raptor's data "fastpath" option, multi-threaded application proxies, and symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP). Other features of Eagle 5.0 include a native NT GUI and an integrated Java Content Scanner. The NT GUI for Eagle 5.0 called "Hawk 6.0" is based on Microsoft's Management Control Console and, according to the company, will offer an ease of use advantage to network administrators who prefer the look and feel of Windows NT environment. Eagle NT 5.0 also offers an integrated Java content inspection tool based on Finjan Inc.'s SurfinGate technology. Combined with Eagle's TCP/IP security, Finjan's Java content inspection technology doubles the layers of security.
Eagle NT 5.0 for Windows NT is available now, with the UNIX version and Hawk 6.0 planned for 1Q98. Prices for Eagle NT 5.0 for Windows NT range from $3,995 to $15,000 depending upon the number of users and options required. Hawk 6.0 will be made available to Eagle NT 5.0 customers as a no charge upgrade. For more information, contact Raptor Systems, Inc., 69 Hickory Dr., Waltham, MA 02154; (781) 487-7700; Fax: (781) 487-6755; WWW:
SEM Introduces Three Products Security Engineered Machinery has introduced three security document destruction products that erase information, to NSA requirements, on data disks, CD ROMs and magnetic media. The three products are the SEM Model 1200 CD-ROM declassifier, the SEM Model 1090 desk top degausser/eraser, and the SEM Model 1100 Magnetic Media Degaussing Wand.
The Model 1200 CD-ROM declassifier removes data-bearing surfaces in 20 seconds, reducing them to powder. Once a CD-ROM is clean, the powder falls into a drawer at the bottom of the unit. A vacuum module system is also available. The table or desktop unit is 18x15x8 inches, weighs 50 pounds, and requires electricity. The SEM Model 1090 is a desktop degausser/eraser for both Standard Density (325 oersted) and High Density (750+ oersted) media in 5 1/4", 3 1/2", and smaller floppy formats. The degaussing/erasing procedure requires that the operator place the disk into the 1090 front aperture. The fully shielded magnet cleans the disk, which can then be reused. The Model 1090, which requires no power source, is 8 1/4 x 2 1/2 x 4 inches, and weighs five pounds. Erasure level is -90 Db. or better. The SEM Model 1100 Magnetic Media Degaussing Wand erases disk drives, disk packs, drum-type memories, floppies, and flat surface magnetic memory. The erased items can be reused after cleaning. A multi-polar design ensures minimum flux levels of 6,000 gauss and full hysteresis of all magnetic states. The Wand is 7 1/2" long, weighs four ounces, is self-contained, and requires no power source. The Wand is certified by the NSA for all security levels in applications specified.
The Model 1200 CD-ROM declassifier is priced at $4,389 per unit. The Model 1090 desktop degausser/eraser is priced at $902. The Model 1100 Magnetic Media Degaussing Wand is priced at $911. For more information, contact Security Engineered Machinery, 5 Walkup Dr., Westboro, MA; (508) 366-1488; Fax; (508) 366-6914; WWW:
Sybase Announces PowerBuilder 6.0 Beta Sybase, Inc. has announced PowerBuilder 6.0 Beta, an application development tool. PowerBuilder 6.0 includes a Component Factory that automatically generates PowerBuilder objects as standard components and a 4GL RAD tool for creating applications where business logic is packaged using standard components models. PowerBuilder 6.0 generated components support distributed PowerBuilder servers, Microsoft's Transaction Server, and the Powersoft Jaguar CTS (Component Transaction Server).
For thin Web clients, PowerBuilder 6.0 generates standard HTML forms directly from a DataWindow object. PowerBuilder 6.0 adds Web links so developers can open a browser to bookmarked URLs from within the development environment. Also DataWindow and Window objects can be deployed as Window ActiveX components within browsers supporting ActiveX, such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Downloaded client components can be set to operate in a secure mode that prevents them from accessing local machine resources. Also included in PowerBuilder 6.0 is a file synchronization tool that automatically maintains up-to-date client side images of the PowerBuilder VM and application executables. PowerBuilder 6.0 also supports HP-UX and IBM AIX platforms and the Unicode character set. Other features of PowerBuilder 6.0 include a debugger for interactive debugging capabilities and a trace engine and application profiler for application execution profiles.
Component generators for both the native PowerBuilder object model and C++ are included. A COM/DCOM component generator, CORBA objects generator, and Java proxy generator are planned in future releases. For pricing and other information about PowerBuilder 6.0 Beta, contact Sybase, Inc.; (508) 287-1547; WWW: and
Rogue Wave Introduces Tools.h++ Professional Rogue Wave Software, Inc. has introduced Tools.h++ Professional, an integrated tool set that includes tools for Java/C++ interoperability, networking, and CORBA in addition to a library of fundamental C++ data structures.
Tools.h++ Professional's Java/C++ interoperability tools include a C++ implementation of the Java object serialization format and a Java implementation of Tools.h++ virtual streams. The networking tools in Tools.h++ Professional include network communication classes that build client/server applications without the application being tied to a specific communications protocol, and thread-hot Internet classes that let developers add FTP, HTTP, SMTP, and POP3 capabilities to C++ client applications. The COBRA tools pass Rogue Wave and user-defined objects by value across a COBRA interface. Also the Tools.h++ foundation class library provides 130 fundamental C++ building blocks and an interface to the standard C++ Library.
All the Java and C++ components in Tools.h++ support HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, IRIX, WinNT, and Win95. Tools.h++ Professional is priced at $1,195 for a single-user license. Multi-user licenses are also available. Annual support contracts are priced at $395. For more information, contact Rogue Wave Software, Inc., 850 SW 35th St., Corvallis, OR 97333; (800) 487-3217 or (541) 754-3010; Fax: (541) 757-6650; WWW:
Cybernetics Ships Two Products Cybernetics has begun shipping two products, its CY-TL4 line of automated libraries for DLT 7000 tape drives and its CY-RDA RAID subsystems. The CY-TL4 libraries include up to four of the company's CY-47000 (DLT 7000) drives and up to 30 tapes for capacities from 525 Gb to 2.1 Tb. The CY-TL4 tape drives store 35 Gb on each tape, uncompressed, and 70 Gb with integral data compression. Transfer rates range from 5 Mbps uncompressed to 10 Mbps with integral data compression. The Advanced SCSI Processor offers mirroring, independent, and offline copy/verify modes. One CY-TL4 library can serve up to four different systems with predefined drives and tape slots reserved for each host. With a Fast/Wide SCSI-2 interface, the CY-TL4 libraries are compatible with most computers and operating systems. An optional multi-host interface also lets users consolidate backup operations for more that one host system to a central CY-TL4 library.
The second product the CY-RDA RAID subsystems with capacities ranging from 32 Gb to 378 Gb and an Ultra SCSI data transfer rate of 40 Mbps. Three scalable models are available, accommodating 8, 24, or 42 disk drives depending on the configuration. Features of the CY-RDA subsystems include cable-free drive enclosures, an intelligent SCA backplane, hot-swappable drives, and redundant and isolated system components. With RAID levels 0,1, 0+1, 4, and 5, the CY-RDA subsystems also feature a management interface, embedded in the RAID system, which lets the administrator manage their systems via a Web browser or over an Ethernet connection.
For pricing and other information about the CY-TL4 automated libraries and CY-RDA subsystems, contact Cybernetics, 111 Cybernetics Way, Yorktown, VA 23693, (757) 833-9090.
Cactus Intl. and Unitrends Software announce Backup Professional Cactus International, Inc. and Unitrends Software Corp. have announced a joint marketing and development agreement whereby Cactus will distribute and support the Backup Professional. The Backup Professional is a completely redesigned approach to efficiently back up complex multi-operating system networks and intranets.
Backup Professional uses a client/server architecture to provide enterprise-wide services via TCP/IP. Master and incremental backups for each client or group of clients can be scheduled as often as desired. Backup Professional's internal database maintains every backup on the tape and every file in that backup. Product capabilities include: fully scalable from a single server with multiple PCs to a full enterprise-wide intranet; quick and easy installation; viewable status information available at all times; support for most types of storage devices; and non-proprietary format. Backup features include: full security embedded into the backup; simultaneous backups from multiple PCs to multiple tape drives; raw partition support; locking files against writing during backup; graphical view of files on each backup; and recording of all file information.
The following platforms are supported by Backup Professional: Windows 95, Windows NT server and workstation, SCO UNIX 3.x, IBM RS-6000 AIX, SVR4, Solaris, Novell Netware, DOS, Window 3.x, and DEC/Alpha. For more information, contact Cactus Intl.:
ARCO Announces DupliDisk-PCI ARCO Computer Products Inc. has announced DupliDisk-PCI, a driverless disk-mirroring RAID 1 adapter designed for the PCI bus. A hardware-based dual-channel adapter, DupliDisk-PCI mirrors up to two pairs of IDE, E-IDE or U-IDE drives of any capacity. If a hardware failure disables one of the mirrored drives, the DupliDisk-PCI automatically shifts operations to the functioning drive. Visible lights indicate when the drives are working properly. When one fails, an audible alarm alerts the user of the drive failure and continues to sound until manually switched off. There is no interruption of service, and the system continues to function normally until the user can power down and install a new drive.
DupliDisk-PCI is not a primary disk controller but uses ARCO's intermediate adapter technology to provide disk fault tolerance and continuous automatic hard disk backup. Included in DupliDisk is ARCO's ACP software for rebuilding drives and disk preparation. The DupliDisk-PCI connects via a standard IDE cable either to the IDE connector in the PCI motherboard or to an add-in IDE adapter installed in the system. The DupliDisk-PCI operates transparently.
DupliDisk-PCI is operating-system independent and supports UNIX, Linux, NetWare, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 3.x, OS/2, and DOS. DupliDisk-PCI is priced at $225. For more information, contact ARCO Computer Products, Inc., 2750 N. 29th Ave., Hollywood, FL 33020; (954) 925-2688; Fax: (954) 925-2889; Internet:; WWW:
Storage Dimensions Ships P1000 Library Array Storage Dimensions has begun shipping the P1000 Library Array, an automated DLT tape library with RAID fault-tolerance capabilities for Windows NT. The P1000 supports backup throughput of 144 Gb per hour and capacity up to 2.1 Tb. Features of the P1000 include robot intelligence and self-calibration. The P1000 also includes a front-panel touch keypad and a GUI-based LCD. The P1000 supports remote administration through its own Java-based library management software. In addition to hot-swappable drives, several P1000 components are removable, including the library controller card, the actuator driver card, and the host interface card, the touch-screen control panel, and the power supply. The P1000 also features a PCI backplane that can accommodate a Fibre Channel interface card. As an option, the P1000 supports Computer Associates' ARCserver 6.5 for Windows NT. When combined with ARCserver 6.5, a four-drive P1000 Library Array can be configured for RAID 5.
Prices for the P1000 Library Array range from $24,000 for a entry level system with two DLT4000 drives and 16 tape cartridge slots to $63,000 for a fully loaded system with four DLT7000 drives and 30 tape cartridge slots. DLT tape cartridges are sold separately in packs of five for $600. The ARCserver 6.5 for NT option, which includes library management and RAID modules, is priced from $2,625. For more information, contact Storage Dimensions, 1656 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035; (408) 954-0710; Fax: (408) 944-1200; WWW:
Network General Introduces Two Products Network General has introduced two products, the Sniffer Decode Server and the Sniffer Network Analyzer. The Sniffer Decode Server with its Java-enabled console lets the user access and analyze Sniffer trace files, on demand, through any Web browser. Trace files documenting hard-to-solve problems can be captured at end user sites by a portable Sniffer Network Analyzer or NetXRay analyzer and submitted for analysis by TAC-based engineers. The Sniffer Decode Server runs under Windows NT and supports analysis of Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, and internetwork topologies. The Sniffer Decode Server decodes 280 protocols.
Also introduced was an upgraded version of the Sniffer Network Analyzer. The Sniffer Network Analyzer features a user interface that runs under Windows 95 and Windows NT. The Sniffer Network Analyzer decodes 280 protocols, including Oracle, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server. The Sniffer Network Analyzer also includes Expert Analysis, which automatically determines the cause and recommends solutions to 200 network problems.
Pricing for the Sniffer Decode Server is on a per seat basis. All Network General customers who are under PrimeSupport will receive a free software upgrade to the Sniffer Network Analyzer. For more information, contact Network General Corporation, 4200 Bohannon Dr., Menlo Park, CA 94025; (800) 764-3337 or (650) 473-2000; Fax: (415) 321-0855; WWW:
Maxspeed Introduces PS8 Maxspeed, has introduced the PS8, a high-speed eight-port PCI intelligent serial controller. The PS8 controller is a short PCI card that can be installed in any available internal PCI slot. The PS8 lets users add an additional eight serial devices without the need for IQRs or special I/O addresses. The PS8 supports a RISC processor.
The PS8 is shipped with the user's choice of either DB9 or DB25 "Octopus" breakout cable, or RJ45 "Harmonica" breakout cable. The PS8 supports UnixWare, SCO UNIX/XENIX, Windows NT, and Windows 95. The PS8 is priced at $695. For more information, contact Maxspeed Corporation, Palo Alto, CA; (800) 877-7998 or (650) 856-8818; WWW:
Trend Micro Upgrades InterScan VirusWall for Netra i Server Trend Micro, Inc. has upgraded its InterScan VirusWall for the Sun Netra i Server. InterScan VirusWall 2.0 uses multi-threaded processing by incorporating the POSIX thread library. In addition to faster scanning, InterScan VirusWall 2.0 routes traffic directly to the Internet without the need for a separate proxy server. Other features of InterScan VirusWall 2.0 include a configuration option to enable or disable virus scanning components, Java blocking for HTTP access, and support of the Sun Mail Tool for SMTP scanning. InterScan VirusWall 2.0 also includes virus notification options, which let the administrator decide whether the sender, recipient, or administrator receives virus detection notification.
A 200-user license for InterScan VirusWall 2.0 is integrated into Sun's Netra i 3.2 server and a 500-user license comes with the Netra i Pro server software. For additional licenses or other information about InterScan Virus Wall 2.0 for the Sun Netra i Server, contact Trend Micro Incorporated, 10101 N. De Anza Blvd., 4th Floor, Cupertino, CA 95014, (408) 257-1500; Fax: (408) 257-2003; WWW:
Specialix Announces JETSTREAM 8500 Specialix Inc. has announced JETSTREAM 8500, a network access server for connecting remote clients and local serial devices to UNIX and Windows NT networks. JETSTREAM 8500 lets up to 24 concurrent authorized remote users dial into a network to access email, share documents, connect to the Internet, and print documents on the network's printers. JETSTREAM 8500 includes JETset, a Web-based configuration management utility, and supports password configuration for 32 dial-in clients; the RADIUS, PAP, and CHAP authentication protocols; and fixed and roaming callback. JETSTREAM 8500 also includes custom-built ASICs that perform all PPP framing. In Windows NT environments, JETSTREAM 8500 supports Microsoft RAS, giving the network 24 serial connections per JETSTREAM 8500 system.
JETSTREAM 8500 can be configured with 8, 16, or 24 RJ45 serial ports and can be rack-, wall-, or desk-mounted. JETSTREAM 8500 supports line speeds of 230 Kbps. Prices for JETSTREAM 8500 range from $1,495 to $1,995 depending upon configuration. For more information, contact Specialix Incorporated, 745 Camden Ave., Campbell, CA 95008; (800) 423-5364 or (408) 378-7919; Fax: (408) 378-0786; WWW:
MEGASOFT Announces Web Transporter MEGASOFT has announced Web Transporter, an enterprise software delivery tool that provides tracking, reporting, and control functions for software management. Web Transporter combines a Java-based push agent and user-activated pull capabilities, advanced security, flexible scheduling and an open, standards-based architecture that can be linked to legacy systems. Web Transporter maintains versions, tracks licenses, and generates reports.
Off the shelf, Web Transporter distributes any type of file (Java and non-Java-based) to any type of desktop across any type of Web network. Using Web Transporter, IT managers can define an unlimited number of groups, providing a system to schedule and deploy software updates in phases. Web Transporter is compliant with Java 1.1 standards and supports UNIX, Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 3.x, and Macintosh. For pricing and other information about Web Transporter, contact MEGASOFT, 819 Hwy. 33 East, Freehold, NJ 07728; (800) 222-0490 or (908) 431-5300; Fax: (908) 462-5658; WWW: